Saturday, January 31, 2009


We arrived Fri noonish at the Tiger Wildlife Refuge to find a beautiful "hotel"/lodge with a huge room and 1 and 1/2 baths for the two of us. We went on a safarhi Sat early and saw monkeys, of course, a wild, small boar with a horness and a young pig along side (probably the reason for the horness which I assume had a tracking device). We saw lots of spotted deer (which look like our white tail deer) and many birds, but no tigers, sorry to say. PC went again this morning and reports they HEARD tigers and saw deer scurring away from the area the sounds were coming from, but no sightings. I think HEARING tigers counts!!!

We're to have breakfast and meet Tarun for our 4 hour trip to Jaipur and a 3 day stay. Later,mj

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